Pug Promotions

Magic Sand

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
150 $1.54 each
250 $1.49 each
500 $1.39 each
1000 $1.34 each
2500 $1.29 each
5000 $1.20 each
$59.00 each
  • Full color label included!
Offer this magic sand and let clients know they can't go wrong when they choose you! It's a lot of fun to create shapes, and feel the softness move between your fingers. It's made with a unique texture that can mold like clay, but plays like sand, all while providing a super-satisfying sensory experience. It comes packed in a reusable plastic container and is not intended for children under 3 years of age. This is a non-toxic product, but wash hands and the play area after use.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
3.25 IN Wide X 1.5 IN Tall

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: Full color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 Location

Location1: On Label

Decoration Method: Standard Imprint Method

Packaging: Bulk
Alan Kagan
Pug Promotions
12485 Hatton Chase Ln E
Jacksonville, FL 32258
(904) 422-6249